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We Serve - Neenah, WI

(920) 292-3194

516 E Custer St

Oshkosh, WI 54901-3050

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Contact Us

We Serve - Neenah, WI

  • Do you paint exteriors in Neenah, WI?

    Exterior painting depends on the weather for sure. If you are in Neenah we can come out and provide an estimate for you on how long the job will take and give you some options on when we can complete the job.

  • How long does paint take to dry?

    Depending on the ventilation of your home and the type of paint that is used, it can definately vary. There is a time where the paint may be dry to the touch but not fully dry. If you would like an estimate on your interior painting in Neenah, WI, Please give us a call.

  • Can I leave my home while you are painting?

    Yes you can, it is good to be availble and stay in Neenah during the job. This is in case we have questions about things that may come up while we are painting. 

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